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dc.contributor.advisorJara Escobar, Alexandra-
dc.contributor.authorVivero Roca, Gloria María-
dc.identifier.citationVivero Roca, Gloria María (2016). Musical activities to develop english listening skills to students of bgu at unidad educativa fiscomisional Experimental José María Vélaz. S. J. In Santa Elena, Santa Elena province 2015 – 2016. La Libertad. UPSE, Matriz. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación e Idiomas. 146p.es_ES
dc.description.abstractIn the English learning process the use of musical activities to improve listening skills is well-known because students enjoy listening to music and most of the singers perform their songs in English language. Thus, taking this into account, it is significant to apply this strategy in order to motivate students to learn English and develop their listening skill. At unidad educativa fiscomisional experimental José Maria Vélaz S. J. located in the province of Santa Elena, students are mostly adults and their learning process is more complex than children; therefore, it was important to find out an engaging way to teach students. The main objective of implementing this project is to contribute in the improvement of listening skills through musical activities in students of BGU at the educational institution previously mentioned. The design of this research was based on quantitative and qualitative methods; they allowed to obtain specific results about the implementation of musical exercises through the application of surveys of thirty-five students of BGU, interviews to the principal, Tnlg. Eliana Reyes, English teacher, Lcdo. Leonardo Marcillo Pino, and one English language expert, MSc. Luis Iza. Furthermore, an observation session was carried in one English language lesson which allowed to realize that students were being instructed using methods and strategies that are not motivational for BGU students. Once the proposal was fully implemented, it was determine a relevant enhancement of students listening skill.es_ES
dc.format.extent146 p.es_ES
dc.publisherLa Libertad: Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, 2016.es_ES
dc.titleMusical activities to develop english listening skills to students of bgu at unidad educativa fiscomisional Experimental José María Vélaz. S. J. In Santa Elena, Santa Elena province 2015 – 2016.es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones:Tesis de Licenciatura en Inglés

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