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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2021-10-22Teaching techniques to improve english pronunciation to students in the third year of elementary school at the Manuelita Sáenz school in the period of 2021-2022Ghose, Gargi; Castro Pérez, Ariana Vanessa
2021-10-22Techniques to enhance english listening comprehension skills in senior students of unidad educativa UPSE, La Libertad, Santa Elena province, school year 2021-2022García Villao, Rosa Tatiana; Picazo Suarez, Adriana Milena
2022-11-16Self-learning techniques and their influence on the development of speaking skills in English language learnersVera Cruzatti, Rossana Narcisa; Boza Aquino, Dayana Leandra
2023-02-13Critical thinking and its benefits in EFL learningAlmeida Briones, Xavier Antonio; Reyes Pazmiño, Johanna Valeria
2023-10-19The effect of cooperative learning in the development of reading skills of students of 7th semester.González Reyes, Sara Dolores; Ortega Pillasagua, Saul Omar; Quimi Gonzabay, Damarys Rosario
2023-10-19The use of self-learning techniques on the development of the listening skills of eighth-semester students of PINE.Caamaño López, Sandra Elizabeth; Asencio Briones, Cristopher Alexander; Parra Suarez, Elsa Leonor
2023-10-19The influence of active learning in the development of writing skill in 2do bachillerato U. E. Americano.Chávez Gonzabay, Leonardo Augusto; Borbor Díaz, Adriana Stefanny; Cedeño Párraga, Dayana Carolina
2024-02-09English songs to develop vocabulary in 7 th graders at Unidad Educativa Península De Santa Elena.León Abad, Eliana Geomar; Mendoza Almagro, Kenia Jesús; Rizo Lara, Madelaine Paula
2024-08-26Effects of collaborative learning on students’ motivation and engagement.Vera Cruzatti, Rossana Narcisa; Borbor Echeverria, Jorge Arturo; Mero Alay, Bryan Steven