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Título: The effect of virtual classes on the development of writing skills in second baccalaureate students.
Director: Párraga Solórzano, Rudy Jonathan
Autor: De la A Matias, Arianne Ivanova
Fecha de publicación: 19-oct-2023
Editorial: La Libertad: Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, 2023.
Citación: De La A Matias, Arianne Ivanova (2023). The effect of virtual classes on the development of writing skills in second baccalaureate students. La Libertad. UPSE, Matriz. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación e Idiomas. 70p.
Resumen: The Covid-19 pandemic has generated a revolution in education, forcing institutions and educators to rapidly adopt new forms of teaching, such as virtual classes. This shift from face-to-face to online education has had a profound impact on various educational aspects, including the development of writing skills. The main objective of this research is to know the effects of virtual classes on the development of English writing skills in high school sophomores. The present work used the qualitative method with a phenomenological study using a questionnaire through a one-on-one interview with 5 teachers from institutions in Santa Elena, for data collection and bibliographic sources, carrying out the analysis and interpretation of the results. The work concluded that because of the online classes the students had a setback in the development of their writing skills, since they were not able to create texts with a respective and correct structure including a lack of motivation therefore through the interviews it is carried out that there are strategies that can be implemented in the students to promote the development of teaching-learning in the students.
URI: https://repositorio.upse.edu.ec/handle/46000/10387
Aparece en las colecciones:Tesis Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros

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