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Título: Content-based instruction to develop for reading comprehension for ninth grade.
Director: Niola Martin, Elena
Autor: Suarez Ramos, Jonathan Josue
Fecha de publicación: 1-jun-2023
Editorial: La Libertad: Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, 2023.
Citación: Suarez Ramos, Jonathan Josue (2023). Content-based instruction to develop for reading comprehension for ninth grade. La Libertad. UPSE, Matriz. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación e Idioma. 61p.
Resumen: The English language as a subject is currently part of the Ecuadorian national curriculum, in this case, educational institutions have integrated the subject into their educational projects and academic offer with at least a minimum of hours in order to develop skills related to the mastery of it as a foreign language. The main problem identified in the educational work and in students who attend the ninth grade, is the difficulty in developing reading comprehension ability, which is why through this research has been raised as an objective to analyze Content-based instruction as a method to develop reading comprehension for ninth grades, in order to improve the learning conditions of students. The research has a qualitative approach, for the acquisition and processing of data was resorted to field research where the interview was applied as data collection techniques. Once this instrument was applied and after the application of the proposal, it was possible to identify among the data that the students of the degree in mention of the Unidad Educativa Juan Jacobo Rousseau of the province of Santa Elena, present a difficulty in reading comprehension of the language. The conclusions reached are that with the application of strategies with content based on instruction, students can improve their learning and demonstrate it in activities related to the problem found in the first instance. The results show a significant advance so it is appropriate to execute the proposed actions to improve the learning conditions of ninth grade students.
URI: https://repositorio.upse.edu.ec/handle/46000/9700
Aparece en las colecciones:Tesis Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros

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