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Título: Shortcomings and disadvantages of english learners with special needs at unidad educativa Dr. Otto Arosemena Gómez
Director: Caamaño Lopez, Sandra Elizabeth
Autor: Flores Pita, Daniel Antonio
Fecha de publicación: 5-jun-2023
Editorial: La Libertad: Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena. 2023
Citación: Flores Pita, Daniel Antonio (2023). Shortcomings and disadvantages of english learners with special needs at unidad educativa Dr. Otto Arosemena Gómez. La Libertad. UPSE, Matriz. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación e Idiomas. 47p.
Resumen: On the present research project denominated “Shortcomings and disadvantages of leaners with special needs at Unidad Educativa Dr. Otto Arosemena”, you will find the problematic situation of students with disabilities in so many aspects as: transportations, feelings and academic performance and others shortcomings related to the academic aspect. Previous studies in many universities around the world demonstrate the lack of interest presented in governments and scholar institutions to learners with special needs, since they were coursing the primary grade until they became in bachelors so many shortcomings appear in the process, the objective of the research is identify the shortcoming and disadvantages that students with special usually have in the classroom and how these problematics affect the academic performance on these students. We used the qualitative methodology in order to have a deeper analyze about the answers presented by learners with special needs, the results of the interviews demonstrate the realistic problem of students with disabilities in the classroom and the lack of interest by educators in order to provide a fair class to learners with non-common problems in schools.
URI: https://repositorio.upse.edu.ec/handle/46000/9722
Aparece en las colecciones:Tesis Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros

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