Cooperative learning is a teaching method in which it focuses mainly on the creation of groups to carry out activities in class. Moreover, romoting the interaction among students and social experiences that are carried out, because of it, this research aims to assess the impact of Cooperative learning in the development of speaking skills in seventh graders, to achieve this, it was gathered the information in order to analyze the method of Cooperative learning and recognize the problems and difficulties that exist in the development of Speaking skill, using the qualitative method by one-on-one interviews three teachers from unidad educativa Dr. Otto Arosemena Gomez. Through analyzing the questions it was concluded that Cooperative learning is a valuable approach that is effective in developing any skill, especially speaking, because it not only helps students generate interdependence and instills companionship but also allows students to practice vocabulary by exchanging opinions and different activities such as role-play, think-pair share, among others, plus, negative aspects were found in the teaching of this language because they do not prioritize it and teach it as an extra subject, therefore it should be taken into account due to the low level of speaking skills in seventh grade students in the school previously mentioned.