A teacher is a counselor who helps students to form academically and personally. To be an educator is to become a responsible, honest, and cordial person. Every student needs the instruction and guidance of a diligent and competent teacher, who efficiently masters the subject and what they are going to teach.
One of the most effective tools to help prospective teachers learn about the degree of performance and classroom management they have developed through their professional formation are the demo classes. It is worth emphasizing that the future teacher not only demonstrates his control of the English language, but also how capable he is, his personal appearance and one of the most important things is how easy it is to answer and how he will be able to impart methodologies and techniques that will be useful in the teaching-learning process of the subject you are teaching.
Moreover, demonstrative classes help teachers' professional development, and they can discern what they are going to teach and how, considering that within a classroom there are students with different ways of learning and that is where the teacher plays an important role in academic training.
Consequently, teacher performance has two general aspects: school preparation and the way in which the teacher teaches, the first of which refers to prior knowledge, training, and tasks. The second focuses on the quality that the teacher can show now that they teach their class and how they teach it. Therefore, it is necessary for the future teacher to be clear about these two characteristics that will help them in this process.
At last, in the training process many things were learned that should be applied, in this case it would be classroom management, methods, techniques, psychology within English language teaching during the demonstration class.