Maestría en Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros, mención Enseñanza de Inglés Página de inicio de la colección


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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 53
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023-10-02The use of the mobile phone in english classes in upper basic students at unidad educativa fiscal La Pila: a challenge or an opportunityVillavicencio Gordon, Lucia Gabriela; Cedeño Burgos, Erika Stefania
2023-10-02Enhancing english vocabulary learning on 2nd baccalaureate students through the implementation of gamificationCajas Quishpe, Diego Christian; Castro Granda, Diana Katherine
2023-10-02Using vocabulary builder app to improve lexical knowledge for ninth gradersMatute Campozano, Heidy Bolivia; Carrera Rivera, Kevin Javier
2022-05-30Digital storytelling to enhance reading comprehensionRodríguez Caamaño, Andrés Alberto; Neira Carvajal, Myrna Jackeline
2022-05-01Project-based approach applied to PINE aspirant students: lessons learned from three academic periodsGonzález Reyes, Sara Dolores; León Abad, Eliana Geomar
2022-02-24WhatsApp in oral skillsRodríguez Caamaño, Andrés; Iza Espinoza, Luis Alberto
2022-02-23Face - to - face vs online learning advantages and disadvantagesCarabajo Romero, Ítalo Rigoberto; José Quimí, Juana Alexandra
2022-02-23Using make beliefs comix platform to improve sentences construction in writing skillsVera Cruzatti, Rossana Narcisa; Briones Zambrano, Mariana Marisol
2022-02-23Task based approach to promote speaking skills in EFL online teachingLoor Zambrano, Kléber Walter; Freire Benítez, María Belén
2022-02-23Using liveworsheets to improve Grammar in online classes to senior high school studentsNiola Sanmartín, Rosa Elena; Agudelo Angus, Shirley Ivett
2022-02-23Using WhatsApp to enhance students’ speaking skillsCaamaño López, Sandra Elizabeth; Ibáñez Apolo, María Fernanda
2022-02-23The impact of the use of hybrid classrooms in educationAlmeida Briones, Xavier Antonio; Torres Agurto, Stefanie Antonella
2022-02-23Using breakout rooms as a teaching strategy to develop English oral production in online classesCarabajo Romero, Ítalo Rigoberto; Vergara Mendoza, Ketty Zoraida
2022-02-21The use of communicative language teaching tecnique to enhance fluency in oral productionCarabajo Romero, Ítalo Rigoberto; Valdivieso Haz, Diana Carolina
2022-02-21Visual aids as didact teaching strategy to improve the reading process for ESL early readersCarabajo Romero, Ítalo Rigoberto; Toscano Collantes, María Alejandra
2022-02-21Cooperative learning to enhance oral proficiencyCarabajo Romero, Ítalo Rigoberto; Limones Borbor, Julieta Verónica
2022-02-21Implementing embodied learning method in an EFL class to engage students within the learning processRodríguez Caamaño, Andrés Alberto; Labanda Viteri, Andrea Alexandra
2022-02-21Using WhatsApp to improve speaking interaction in EFL studentsCarabajo Romero, Ítalo Rigoberto; Chávez Villavicencio, Jorge Fabricio
2022-02-21Using videos in an EFL classroom to develop language skillsRodríguez Caamaño, Andrés Alberto; Cedeño Trujillo, Edgar Mauricio
2022-02-21The ECRIF framework as a planning tool to foster oral interactionCarabajo Romero, Italo Rigoberto; Briones Cedeño, Karen Ivette
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 53