The present research project aimed to determine the way that engagement strategies in
EFL classes can enhance students’ communicative skills while learning in a virtual environment.
The research had a qualitative approach establishing two groups. The first one consisted of ten
students who were interviewed using a focus group technique, while the second involved two
teachers interviewed individually. In both cases, a bank of seven open-ended questions was used.
The interviews were conducted via a virtual meeting. As a result of the data collection, it was
possible to gain a better understanding of the participant’s perspectives on the way engagement
works within a virtual environment thereby enhancing their communicative skills. The analysis
concludes that motivation and classroom engagement play a crucial role in English language
learning, for which it is required to combine interactive activities such as real-life scenarios, use
of up-to-date digital tools, and feedback. The implications of this study are significant for EFL
teachers, particularly as virtual environments have become a normalized activity since the
COVID-19 pandemic